Appendix A

Concise List of Corresponding Passages to the Timelines in the Chapter, Chronology of Latter-day Events

Rapture: Jn. 14:1-3; 1Co. 15:51-53, 16:22; Php. 3:20-21, 4:5; Col. 3:4; 1Th. 1:10, 2:19, 4:13-18, 5:9; 2Th. 2:1; 2Ti. 4:8; Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; 1Pe. 1:7, 13, 5:4; 1Jn. 3:2; Jude 1:21; Rev. 3:10.

First and subsequent resurrections: Da. 12:2; Lk. 14:14; Jn. 5:28-29, 6:39-40, 11:25; Ac. 23:6, 24:15; Ro. 8:23; 1Co. 15:12-23, 35-38, 42-44, 51-53; 2Co. 5:1-5; Php. 3:10-11, 21; 1Th. 4:17; Heb. 6:1-2; Rev. 20:4-6.

Judgment Seat of Christ: Ro. 14:10-12; 1Co. 3:11-15; 2Co. 5:10.

Marriage and Supper of the Lamb: Mt. 9:15, 22:2-14, 25:1-13; Mk. 2:19-20; Lk. 5:34, 14:15-24; Jn. 3:29; 2Co. 11:2; Rev. 19:6-9, 21:2.

Antichrist covenant confirmed and puts an end to sacrifice and offering: Da. 8:12-13, 9:27.

False messiahs, rumors of wars, birth pains: Mt. 24:5-8; Mk. 13:6-8; Lk. 21:8-11.

Tribulation: Isa. 13:6-13; Da. 12:1; Zep. 1:14-18; Mal. 4:1-13; Mt. 24:6, 21-22, 29.

Seven seals: Rev. 6:1-17, 8:1-5.

144,000 sealed: Rev. 7:1-17.

Seven trumpets: Rev. 8:1-13, 9:1-21, 11:15-19.

Two witnesses: Rev. 11:3-14.

Babylonian religion brought to ruin: Rev. 17:1-18.

Abomination that causes desolation: Da. 8:13, 9:27, 11:31, 12:11; Mt. 24:15-16; Mk. 13:14.

Antichrist establishes self-worship: Da. 7:8, 7:11, 7:20, 11:36-37; 2Th. 2:4; Rev. 13:1-10.

False prophet: Rev. 13:11-18.

A group of 144,000 in heaven: Rev. 14:1-5.

Saints victorious over the beast playing harps in heaven: Ex. 15:1-18; Rev. 1-4.

Seven bowls: Rev. 16:1-21.

Armageddon begins and final battles: Da. 11:40-45; Isa. 63:1-6; Joel 3:1-2, 9-17; Zec. 12:1-9, 14:1-3; Rev. 14:14-20, 16:14-16.

Babylon destroyed: Jer. 50:9, 41-43, 51:31-32; Isa. 13-14; Rev. 18-1-24, 19:1-3.

Great Multitude in White Robes in heaven: Rev. 7:9-15.

Second Coming: Da. 2:44-45, 7:9-14, 12:1-3; Zec. 12:10, 14:1-15; Mt. 13:41, 24:15-31, 26:64; Mk. 13:14-27, 14:62; Lk. 21:25-28; Ac. 1:9-11, 3:19-21; 1Co. 1:7-8; 1Th. 3:13; 2Th. 1:6-10, 2:8; 1Ti. 6:14; 2Ti. 4:1; Jas. 5:7-9; 1Pe. 4:12-13; 2Pe. 3:1-14; Jude 1:14-15; Rev. 1:7, 2:25, 19:11-16, 21, 22:7, 22:12, 22:20.

Beast and false prophet captured and thrown into the lake of fire: Reb. 19:19-20.

Satan bound for 1000 years in the Abyss. Rev. 20:1-3.

1000 year reign of Christ on earth: Ps. 2:6-9, 110:2, 5-6; Isa. 2:2-4, 24:1, 23; Jer. 23:5; Da. 2:35, 2:44-45; Zec. 14:4; Mic. 4:1, 4:6-7; Mt. 5:5; 2Ti. 2:12; Rev. 5:9-10, 20:4.

Satan released to gather the nations, they are devoured by fire, the devil is thrown into the lake of fire: Rev. 20:7-10.

Great White Throne Judgment and names not written in the Book of Life thrown into the lake of fire: Rev. 20:11-15.

Fire purifies the earth and new heaven and new earth created: Ps. 102:25; Isa. 24:19, 51:6, 65:17; Mt. 5:17, 24:29, 35; Mk. 13:31; Lk. 21:33; 2Pe. 3:10-13; 1Jn. 2:17; Rev. 20:11, 21:1, 4.

Holy City (New Jerusalem) and God descend to earth: Rev. 3:12, 21:2-4, 9-27.

Eden restored: Rev. 22:1-5.

No longer a curse: Ge. 3:17-19, 5:29; Ro. 8:19-22; Rev. 22:3.

Everything made new: Rev. 21:5-6.

Appendix B

The burial site of James and Ellen White with prominent obelisk tombstone.

The burial site of James and Ellen White with prominent obelisk tombstone. Photo July 24, 1915. Photograph 1.



Vatican, St. Peter's Square, Rome.  Obelisk relocated from Egypt, brought to current site in 1586.

Source: © Andreas Tille. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 CC-BY-SA license,
Vatican, St. Peter’s Square, Rome. Obelisk relocated from Egypt, brought to current site in 1586. Photograph 2.


Founder Jehovah's Witnesses, Charles Russell's burial pyramid.  Featuring cross and crown emblem similar to the Christian Science church emblem, Jehovah's Witness egravement.

Founder Jehovah’s Witnesses, Charles Russell’s burial pyramid. Featuring cross and crown emblem similar to the Christian Science church emblem, Jehovah’s Witness egravement. Photograph 3.


Washington Monument, Washington D.C.  World's largest obelisk.  The corenerstone donated by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons.

Source: © David Iliff Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 CC-BY-SA license,
Washington Monument, Washington D.C. World’s largest obelisk. The corenerstone donated by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. Photograph 4.
