Chronology of Latter-day Events

The Christian Mark of the Beast Survival Manual Copyright © 2014 by Erik K. Olinger All rights reserved.

READERS: This is a rough-draft of the manuscript.  It is unedited and contains errors that will be corrected at the final release.


Chronology of Latter-day Events

While the Bible upholds an apocalyptic return of Christ and time of distress for the world, it does not give a precise chronology of events that will transpire. The Bible is a dependable source of revelation and it gives a legitimate account of the last days, but because the events are not in a precise order like the charts attempt to be here, but rather they are in the form of linguistically colorful prophecy passed on through the prophets and apostles, the events must be arranged out of Scripture. Doing so requires interpretation, and this author has taken a pre-millennial stand. The book of Revelation does have the prophetical events arranged in a semi-organized way with which to extract a logical timeline of events.

The three main views of Christian eschatology (latter-days) will be discussed in the chapter, Christ’s Second Coming and the Tribulation. The focus of this timeline of events is pre-millennialism, however within pre-millennialism are three more views that one must decide upon, two of which are time-lined here for comparison. Both the pre-tribulation and post-tribulation views that are within pre-millennialism are time-lined chronologically here with a concise list of corresponding passages. The timeline will be helpful to reference throughout the remainder of this manual, and should be referred to often. There is also a corresponding section in Appendix A that provides a concise listing of Scripture that corresponds to the timelines here. Most learning Christians will not need to read each verse given in Appendix A, although they should at some point (they are also covered well throughout the book). Appendix A can be disregarded until needed. Pre-tribs place the rapture/translation of the saints before the tribulation, while post-tribs place it after. It must be disclosed that time-lining prophecy events with perfect accuracy is not possible. Some readers may place some of the events in a different order, sometimes quite reasonably. These events could be arranged always in the order in which Revelation presents them, however there is reason to believe that some of the events have to be chronologically placed in a different order than they are seemingly intimated in the Bible. Usually, sticking to the order given within each break of the Bible is the best method for laying a base timeline, after that the context of the passage and common-sense should be used to determine placement.

Mainstream, Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulation, Literal Reign of

Christ on Earth, Chronology of Eschatological Events

1. Rapture / First Resurrection / Judgment Seat of Christ and every knee bows
2. Antichrist covenant confirmed / False messiahs, wars, rumors of wars, birth pains / Tribulation / Seven seals / 144,000 sealed / Seven trumpets / Two Witnesses / Babylonian religion brought to ruin / Antichrist puts an end to sacrifice and offering / Abomination that causes desolation / Antichrist establishes self-worship / False prophet / A group of 144,000 in heaven / Saints victorious over the beast playing harps in heaven / Seven bowls / Armageddon begins / Babylon destroyed / Great Multitude in White Robes in heaven
3. Second Coming / First resurrection / Final battles / Beast and false prophet captured and thrown into the lake of fire / Satan bound for 1000 years in the Abyss / Marriage Supper of the Lamb
4. 1000 year reign of Christ on earth
6. Possible time of second resurrection / Satan gathers the nations for battle by deceiving them
7. Wicked surround camp of God’s people (possibly the old Jerusalem)
8. Fire devours Satan and deceived nations he gathered / The devil thrown into the lake of fire where the beast and false prophet are
9. Possible time of second resurrection / Great White Throne Judgment / Names not written in the Book of Life thrown into the lake of fire (the second death)
10. Fire purifies the earth / New heaven and new earth created / Holy City (New Jerusalem) and God descend to earth / Eden restored / No longer a curse / Everything made new

Table 1

Mainstream, Pre-Millennial, Post-Tribulation, Literal Reign of Christ on Earth, Chronology of Eschatological Events

1. Antichrist covenant confirmed / False messiahs, wars, rumors of wars, birth pains / Tribulation / 144,000 sealed / Two witnesses / First six seals / Babylonian religion brought to ruin / Antichrist puts an end to sacrifice and offering / Abomination that causes desolation / Antichrist establishes self-worship / False prophet / A group of 144,000 in heaven / Saints victorious over the beast playing harps in heaven
2. Second Coming / First resurrection / Rapture / Seven trumpets / Seven bowls / Babylon destroyed / Great Multitude in White Robes in heaven / Final battles / Armageddon / Beast and false prophet captured and thrown into the lake of fire / Satan bound for 1000 years in the Abyss / Judgment Seat of Christ and every knee bows / Marriage of the Lamb? / Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
3. 1000 year reign of Christ on earth
4. 1000 years ended / Satan released / Possible time of second resurrection
5. Satan gathers the nations for battle by deceiving them
6. Wicked surround camp of God’s people (possibly the old Jerusalem)
7. Fire devours Satan and deceived nations he gathered / The devil thrown into the lake of fire where the beast and false prophet are
8. Possible time of second resurrection / Great White Throne Judgment / Names not written in the Book of Life thrown into the lake of fire (the second death)
9. Fire purifies the earth / New heaven and new earth created / Holy City (New Jerusalem) and God descend to earth / Eden restored / No longer a curse / Everything made new

Table 2
