What Protection Does a Christian Have?

The Christian Mark of the Beast Survival Manual Copyright © 2014 by Erik K. Olinger All rights reserved.

READERS: This is a rough-draft of the manuscript.  It is unedited and contains errors that will be corrected at the final release.


What Protection Does a Christian Have?


I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven (NIV Lk. 10:19-20).

It may not seem so, but Christians are completely protected by God. This does not mean that a Christian will not suffer or experience some loss; a Christian will not lose though, however. If one lives life with faith and in the Lord, then anything is permissible and can be accomplished, barring in mind that faith is dependent on Christ (see The Faithful Tested). Although a Christian is protected, the enemy does have a method by which they cause a person to deny one’s own defenses in doubt. In order to harm a Christian, the enemy must exploit vulnerabilities and overwhelmingly wear away at those weaker points. The enemy must first cause a person a poor moral foundation, and then disbelief in one’s own persona, conscience, psyche, and ultimately in Christ, to destroy a person’s spirit, faith, and salvation while causing that person to sin by yielding to temptation. This dictates that a person must deny one’s own protection that comes by faith in Christ (the person who can lead anyone out of any situation), to become unprotected.

God’s Protection

A Christian’s faith should not be easily moved by the enemy. Persecution and satanic ritual abuse are two examples of ways to destroy a person’s faith, but these attacks should never destroy a Christian. In times of persecution, it is not uncommon for one’s faith to increase, instead of decreasing. Placing effort in a sin-free life produces a clear conscience toward God, thus increasing one’s faith. To lose, a Christian must willingly surrender to the devil. If one has faith that one will never cease belief in God, the protector, then one never need wonder if one is saved or not. If one is confident and strong in the Lord about one’s salvation, then truly one is saved because of belief. However, nobody has perfect faith at all times. God knows the fragility of a human’s ability to perfectly believe, and so God graciously provides defense in our times of weakness and imperfect faith. The following types of protection will be discussed:

  1. Grace.

  2. Faith.

  3. Prayer.

  4. The Holy Spirit.

  5. The angels.

  6. The armor of God.

  7. The seal of God.


Perhaps the greatest protection that Christians are under is the enduring grace and rest of God. Grace virtually equates to salvation. Because of it, one has the time to repent and to come to Christ for atonement, and also the solace of knowledge that one is not repudiated instantaneously by God for transgression. Grace is hand-in-hand with patience, mercy, and forgiveness. God has mercifully provided this abounding grace through the Son, Jesus Christ (Jn. 1:17). We are saved by this grace (Eph. 2:8) and called to a holy life through this grace (Ro. 11:5; 2Ti. 1:9), however this is not because of anything we have done (Ro. 11:6; Eph. 2:9; 2Ti. 1:9). Salvation by grace through Christ is God’s divine plane that encompasses mankind. Mankind becomes justified by this grace upon entering into a covenantal relationship with Christ, thus becoming heirs of the kingdom and having the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:7). Christ freely equips man with God’s plentiful grace, and to each person He apportions a certain quantity,

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it (NIV Eph. 4:7).

While we are saved by grace, grace is not a guarantee of endless blessings on earth. One can become cut-off, bringing grace to a sharp decline (Ro. 11:22). But before one becomes cut-off, one should not lost heart in times without blessing, and when rebuked by the Lord. The Lord disciplines the one He loves,

My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son (NIV Heb. 12:5-6).

By this grace given through faith in Christ, one can confidently approach God and feel blameless and justified. This grace is the Christian’s refuge from the enemy,

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us in our time of need (NIV Heb. 4:16).


Faith is not only conviction in the words of the Bible, but is also a belief in the Teacher, Jesus Christ. Faith is our trust in Christ and His redemptive work. It is a firm belief that Christians share, although surprisingly it does not always have basis on belief without physical proof, although it should not be based only on what one can see. For instance, faith can start with the proof and truth of the crucifixion, the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection and absence of Christ’s body in the tomb, in the ascension, and in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Perhaps it is based upon personal experience and trial, a time when Christ rescued one. The latter is an excellent example of faith. Faith is not grounded on sight, but rather on the invisible that transcends reason, and should rest on God’s power and not on man’s wisdom (1Co. 2:5). Faith keeps a Christian secure, saved, healed, and justified. Without faith, one is not in good standing with God and cannot please Him,

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (NIV Heb. 11:6).

Faith is one of the spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit (1Co. 12:9), and is increased by prayer and by living life with Christian hope and without fear of the enemy. Through faith, Christians are shielded by God’s power while waiting for salvation (1Pe. 1:5). This faith couples a Christian with the promise of salvation, so that by grace all people may obtain salvation (Ro. 4:16). All who receive Christ and believe on His name are given the right to become children of God (Jn. 1:12). Salvation by grace through faith is consequently for all peoples and nations. Faith purifies the heart of even non-Jewish Gentiles (Ac. 15:9), and justifies a person apart from one’s commandment keeping (Ro. 3:28),

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand (NIV Ro. 5:1-2).

Faith is not entirely without action, though. It produces good works (1Th. 1:3; 2Th. 1:11), and leads to a godly lifestyle. The unison that one obtains with God by faith in Christ also allows one to stand firm (2Co. 1:24) in hope of salvation. Faith is a Christian’s shield against all attacks of the enemy. The perseverance that faith in Christ produces (Jas. 1:3), is sure to uphold the Christian. When all sight fails, one can have faith in Christ and confidence in warfare,

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence (NIV Eph. 3:12).


Prayer is any person’s medium for staying in communication with the Lord. A prayer is a thought that is directed to God and can be petitions for protection and guidance, and is also a means to praise God. Our access to the Father is through the Son, Jesus Christ, who is our one mediator (1Ti. 2:5). Prayers should be formed utilizing the aid of the Spirit, who knows what we should pray for, and should also be said in the name of Christ. If this is done, whatever one asks for one will receive (Mt. 7:7-10; Jn. 15:7, 16, 16:24). The Bible shares that if more than one person agrees about anything asked for in Christ’s name, that Christ will be there with them (Mt. 18:19-20). However, when one asks the Lord for something, one must believe and not doubt (Jas. 1:6). The doubter will not receive what was asked for. The condition is that if one believes, one will receive whatever is asked for in prayer (Mt. 21:22-22),

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (NIV Php. 4:4-7).

The Prophet Daniel prayed three times a day at one point in his lifetime (Da. 6:10, 13). Jesus prayed without ceasing, however prayer should not be about quantity or repetition, and prayers should also be said in private, so that the Lord can reward what was said in secret (Mt. 6:5-8).

I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies (NIV Ps. 18:3).

When called upon, the Lord will certainly respond to those in need. He will answer the plea of the destitute (Ps. 102:17). A Christian can rely on prayer as an effective strategy to subdue the enemy and to achieve anything in accordance with the Lord’s will. Prayer can rout the enemy, even dispossessing demons (Mk. 9:29), and should be said at all times,

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him (NIV 1Jn. 5:14-15).


Who does not appreciate and enjoy love? Love comes from God, in fact God is love (1Jn. 4:7-8). Anyone who loves God, is known by God (1Co. 8:3), but anyone who does not love does not know God (1Jn. 4:8). Those who love have something the enemy cannot separate from them, and it is peace. If everyone truly loved God and one’s neighbor as one ought, there would not be a struggle or hate,

Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble (NIV 1Jn. 2:10).

One passes from death to life when one loves (1Jn. 3:14). Those who do not love are in death still. Christ is our model on which we can base and know perfect love. He laid down His life for us, and we are to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters (Jn. 15:12-13; 1Jn. 3:16). Love must be sincere, coming from the heart. Being devoted to one another in love and honoring others above ourselves (Ro. 12:10) prevents anyone from the harm and destruction of hate. Repaying good for evil, instead of evil for evil, is godly love for enemies. Once again, if everyone had love, there would be complete peace upon earth,

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (NIV Eph. 5:1-2).

The Holy Spirit

The third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is a limitless, immeasurable power and protection that lives inside of converted believers in Christ, and is a free gift (Jn. 14:17; Ro. 8:11). He is the Advocate, Counselor, and Spirit of Truth (Jn. 14:26, 15:26). The Spirit is the Christian’s source of power, and the counsel and guidance of the Spirit is to be obeyed. When the Spirit becomes at work in a person, a change in mentality occurs. The person will transition from being driven by sinful impulses to a new mind by the complete washing of rebirth and renewal (Titus 3:5). This regenerate process is what saves a person, who becomes a member of God’s community chosen by grace, and the Holy Spirit plays the role of Counselor and Advocate leading one to salvation. The Spirit can even handsomely supply a person with supernatural powers (see The Holy Spirit). Above all, having the Holy Spirit is a guarantee that one has been promised that one will be redeemed. There is certainly not a more surefire hope or protection available.

The Angels

God created a hierarchy of holy angels to do his bidding and to govern heaven. These holy angels are busy around the clock watching and dispatching to earth to prevent the enemy from carrying through evil plans. They work invisibly, help anyone they are commanded to, and can foresee and prevent disaster. Any saint who feels alone should bear in mind that he or she is monitored non-stop by angels who report to the heavenly bodies. They should not be prayed to, but prayers to Christ will route angels to the saints and those in need. They are intelligent and skilled warriors, and brothers and sisters of the saints!

The Armor of God

God has equipped His people with an extremely robust protection, some of whom are not aware that they have been supplied with this protection. The armor of God is a spiritual battle suit that bestows its wearer with protection from every attack that the evil one can deliver (Eph. 6:16). It is composed of:

  1. A belt of truth around the waist (Eph. 6:14).

  2. A breastplate of righteousness (Eph. 6:14).

  3. Feet fitted with readiness of the Gospel of peace (Eph. 6:15).

  4. A shield of faith (Eph. 6:16).

  5. A helmet of salvation, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:17).

  6. The sword of the Spirit, which is also the Word of God (Eph. 6:17).

This armor gives the unique ability to withstand all attacks. To maintain the armor of God, all one need do is have faith and avoid sin; together, the saint is able to stand and will not fall. Some may wonder if they have the armor on, or if they can even receive this abounding gift from God. One should believe and put on faith for a breastplate, and hope as a helmet. Christ has offered to heal those who turn to Him (please see Mt. 13:15).

But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (NIV 1Th. 5:8-9).

The Seal of God

The final protection this chapter will focus on is a special seal and sign of ownership for 144,000 select saints in the end times. This seal will make the 144,000 recipients of it invulnerable. The seal will be put on the foreheads of the 144,000 by angels (Rev. 7:3), and is presumably by means of the Spirit. The sealed 144,000 servants of God will be impermeable to the enemy, so that they may properly evangelize and convert the multitudes. They will be God’s possessions forever, utterly protected from the enemy.


The defenses and protection God graciously provides splendidly culminate in giving a Christian Christ’s authority. No one can steal a true believer from the hands of God, and all one need do is believe while ceasing sin, to claim this protection. Somewhere in thought between the armor of God, the indwelling Holy Spirit, grace, faith, love, prayer, angelic protection, and the seal of God, a saint will realize that he or she never need desire anything more or feel unprotected. The one who believes in this will never perish.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one” (NIV Jn. 10:27-30).

Chapter Summary

  1. Jesus has given Christians authority to overcome all the power of the enemy.

  2. This authority completely protects a Christian, however a Christian may still suffer and experience some loss.

  3. In order to harm a Christian, the enemy must cause one to doubt one’s own defenses that come by faith.

  4. In times of persecution, it is not uncommon for one’s faith to increase, instead of decreasing. Placing effort in a sin-free life produces a clear conscience toward God, thus increasing one’s faith.

  5. Because nobody has perfect faith at all times, God graciously provides defense in our times of weakness and imperfect faith. The following protections were discussed:

    a. Grace.

    b. Faith.

    c. Prayer.

    d. Love.

    e. The Holy Spirit.

    f. The angels.

    g. The armor of God.

    h. The seal of God.

  6. Grace virtually equates to salvation, giving time to repent and to come to Christ for atonement.

  7. Grace comes through the Son, Jesus Christ.

  8. We are saved by this grace, and called to a holy life through this grace, however this is not because of anything we have done.

  9. Upon entering into a covenantal relationship with Christ, man becomes justified by this grace.

  10. Christ apportions a certain quantity of grace to each person.

  11. Grace is not a guarantee of endless blessings on earth, and one can be cut-off. However, the Lord disciplines the one He loves prior to cutting one off.

  12. By this grace one can confidently approach God and feel blameless and justified.

  13. Faith is not only one’s belief in doctrine, but is also a trust in Christ and His redemptive work.

  14. Faith is not grounded on sight, but rather on the invisible that transcends reason, and should rest on God’s power, not on man’s wisdom.

  15. Faith keeps a Christian secure, saved, healed, and justified.

  16. Without faith, one is not in good standing with God and cannot please Him.

  17. Faith is one spiritual gift given by the Holy Spirit.

  18. Through faith, Christians are shielded by God’s power.

  19. This faith couples a Christian with the promise of salvation, so that by grace all people may obtain salvation.

  20. Faith can purify the heart of all people.

  21. Faith justifies a person apart from one’s commandment keeping.

  22. Faith is not entirely without action, and produces good works.

  23. By faith in Christ, one can stand firm in hope of salvation.

  24. When all sight fails, one can have faith in Christ and confidence in warfare.

  25. Prayer is any person’s medium for staying in communication to the Lord.

  26. A prayer is a thought directed to God for protection, guidance, and praise.

  27. Christ is our mediator.

  28. Prayer should be formed in the Spirit, ending in the name of Christ, who provides whatever one asks for if one believes.

  29. If more than one person agrees about anything in Christ’s name, there He will be with them.

  30. When one asks the Lord of something, one must not doubt.

  31. Prayer should not be about quantity or repetition, and should be said in private.

  32. The Lord answers the plea of the destitute, and prayer can be relied upon as an effective strategy to subdue the enemy and to achieve anything in accordance with the Lord’s will.

  33. Love comes from God, in fact God is love. Anyone who loves God is known by God, but anyone who does not love does not know God.

  34. Those who love have peace.

  35. One passes from death to life when one loves.

  36. Christ is our model on which to base and know perfect love. He laid down His life for us, and we are to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

  37. Love must be sincere, coming from the heart.

  38. Being devoted one another in love and honoring others above ourselves prevents the harm and destruction of hate.

  39. If everyone had love, there would be complete peace on earth.

  40. The Holy Spirit is a limitless, immeasurable power and protection that lives inside of the converted, and is a free gift.

  41. The Spirit is the Christian’s source of power, and the counsel of the Spirit is to be obeyed.

  42. The Spirit changes the mind by a complete washing of rebirth and renewal.

  43. The Spirit can supply a person with supernatural power.

  44. Having the Holy Spirit is a guarantee that one has been promised that one will be redeemed, and there is not a more surefire hope or protection available.

  45. The holy angels are busy around the clock watching and dispatching to earth to prevent the enemy from carrying through evil plans.

  46. The angels should not be prayed to, but prayers to Christ will route angels to the saints and those in need.

  47. The armor of God is a spiritual battle suit that bestows protection from every attack of the enemy. The armor of God is composed of:

    a. A belt of truth.

    b. A breastplate of righteousness.

    c. Feet fitted with the readiness of the Gospel of Peace.

    d. A shield of faith.

    e. A helmet of salvation.

    f. The sword of the Spirit.

  48. To maintain the armor of God, all one need do is have faith and avoid sin.

  49. One should believe, putting on faith for a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.

  50. The seal of God is a special sign of ownership that will produce 144,000 invulnerable saints in the end times.

  51. The seal of God is put on the forehead by angels, and is presumably by means of the Spirit.

  52. The 144,000 will be God’s possessions forever.

  53. No one can steal a true believer from the hands of God.
