Web-site update and book progress

Carrying Cross

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Hello visitors!  I am constantly updating this site.  Today the site received a major facelift, and a new mobile menu for mobile browsers.  I hope you like the changes, and enjoy the site.  At the moment the content is limited, but shortly I will have work to post regarding my Christian manual.  Later in time you will find a basic introduction to Christianity and Pre-Millennialism Christian eschatology.  Eschatology is from the Greek word eschatos meaning “last,” and is used to categorize discussion of the Christian final events of the last-days.  The topic of the last-days may turn-off mainstream Christian readers, but I must make clear that: A) Yes, there is an end of this age, and B) I do not know when the end will come, only that we have been in the last days since Christ.


To update my viewers about the status of my book, I have been writing it nearly daily since January 2013.  As of late I have taken time off to create this web-site, however the last two chapters I revised are two chapters I hope make an impact in the Christian world.  The first is a study concerning the fulfillment of the Jewish biblical Law, the redemptive work of Christ, and the grace of God.  It is a look at the old and the new covenants.  The second chapter (which I am currently finalizing), is a refutation of the cults that purport to be Christian yet have contrary teachings.  Unfortunately, that chapter will not make me popular with the four cults it features, however the evangelical community will benefit from it.  I suggest reading the scholarly book The Four Major Cults by Anthony Hoekema, and the resource-rich web-site www.LetUsReason.org, for further study!


Thanks for checking in!

In Christ,

